
Setup your Clarity project with the Clarinet SDK in less than 2 minutes.

You will learn how to:

  • Initialize a simulated blockchain environment
  • Retrieve accounts
  • Execute public functions of a smart contract in a simulated environment.
  • Debug smart contract calls by examining return values in the console.

Initialize project

Before we get started using the SDK, let's first create a new Node project in our terminal.

mkdir clarinet-sdk-project
cd clarinet-sdk-project
npm init -y

Install necessary packages

Now that we have our project setup, let's install our required packages: @hirosystems/clarinet-sdk and @stacks/transactions.

npm install @hirosystems/clarinet-sdk @stacks/transactions

Retrieving accounts on simnet

Now let's create a hello-world project. This will scaffold all the necessary files and directories for us to get started.

import { initSimnet } from '@hirosystems/clarinet-sdk';
import { Cl } from '@stacks/transactions';

async function main() {
  const simnet = await initSimnet();

  const accounts = simnet.getAccounts();
  const address1 = accounts.get('wallet_1');
  if (!address1) throw new Error('invalid wallet name.');

  const call = simnet.callPublicFn('counter', 'add', [Cl.uint(1)], address1);
  console.log(call.result); // Cl.int(Cl.ok(true))


Create a say-hello contract

Now that our project has been generated we can start creating our first contract. Let's name this one say-hello.

cd hello-world
clarinet contract new say-hello

Create a read-only function called say-hi

Now that we have our say-hello.clar file generated, let's create a read-only function that prints out "Hello World".

(define-read-only (say-hi)
  (print "Hello World")

Verify your contracts

In order to verify that our code is valid, we can run clarinet check inside of our project directory to ensure our say-hi function is valid.

clarinet check
 1 contract checked

By default, the SDK will look for a Clarinet.toml file in the current working directory. It's also possible to provide the path to the manifest like so:

const simnet = await initSimnet('./path/to/Clarinet.toml');

Next step: Add unit tests with the Clarinet SDK

The Clarinet SDK allows you to write unit tests for your Clarity smart contracts. You can theoretically use any JavaScript test framework, but the SDK supports Vitest out of the box.

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